December 31, 2006

Part 2: Best Comedy Video

The video awards show with the biggest stars in the history of television!

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Episode 1   Episode 2   Episode 3

The nominees for the best comedy video are:

Also appearing in this video is a clip from:

In 2007, corporate PR firms finally figured out how easy it is to cheat their way onto YouTube's Most Viewed, Most Discussed, and Highest Rated Lists.

In 2008, it has been rumored that one particularly slimy PR firm will be running a web site that offers to pay YouTubers for their votes and comments using PayPal. While this will allow thousands of ordinary YouTubers to rake in a few bucks, it will also go a long way towards making YouTube more like commercial network television, as corporate content gradually pushes the last of the "old guard" citizen YouTubers off the Most Subscribed List.

As one of the ten largest companies in the world, Google could, at some point, decide to eliminate the middle man by simply selling all the slots on the Most Subscribed, Most Viewed, and Highest Rated Lists to the highest bidder.

Disclaimer: This video is intended as a joke. We have no knowledge of YouTube/Google's current projects or future plans.

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